Welcome Home.
I'd love to support you to awaken a vibrant connection with yourself,
your body, others, and the world
I'd love to support you to awaken a vibrant connection with yourself,
your body, others, and the world
Practice for how to show up in the world....trusting yourself, being grounded in you.
No experience necessary....I'll guide you to tune in and listen to the longings of your heart, body and soul...inviting them to take the lead. It's time.
Let Your Spirit Move You....
Soul in Motion is for everyone...through practice you'll learn to tune in and move how your body wants to move....it'll tell you what it needs.
Sometimes old protections, fear, or emotions have us disconnected from the joy and movement that was our birthright...I'd love to support you to re-inhabit you.
Become more mindful of how you move through your day....imagine expanding your senses to take in it all, turning up the volume on your life....holding it all equally...the fabulous,
the challenging, being fully present.
All that you have sought lies within, it always has.
Tune into your inherent intelligence, your body's knowing, and learn to trust it again, listen to what it needs.
We do this work in relationship and community....healing old patterns of relationship and community that we may be bringing with us.
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We gather at Continuum Yoga Studio
155 SW Century Drive in Bend 97702
Copyright © 2024 Soul in Motion - All Rights Reserved.
Join us at Continuum Yoga Studio, 155 SW Century Drive in Bend Oregon
email: soulinmotionbend@gmail.com
Contact: 541-948-7015