"Finding yourself is not really how it works.....Finding yourself is actually returning to yourself. An unlearning, and excavation, a remembering who you were before the world got it's hands on you." -- Emily McDowell
I have been a licensed professional counselor since 2000 and opened a private practice, the Attachment Center of Central Oregon, in 2006. My work has addressed attachment and relationship patterns which are adaptations to trauma, abuse, negative experiences, and life challenges. My therapeutic approach has been heavily informed by mindfulness, interpersonal neurobiology, and EMDR (a trauma treatment protocol). I'm also attuned to how the body holds injury and attempts to protect itself at times.
A major component of my self care to be able to do the work that I do has been movement.
This has been through going to workshops (meditation, Feldenkrais, 5Rhythms, Soul Motion™) as well as seeing my outdoor play as a mindfulness practice, a way to replenish and care for my soul. Over the years, my exploration of these pursuits has helped me to pinpoint what feeds my soul, and it's something I am passionate about bringing to others.
The decision to start Soul in Motion became more clear after a sabbatical I took in the Summer of 2019. I closed my practice for 3 months and spent that time riding across Europe on my bike. My partner and I were self-supported and got to spend that extensive period of time living fully in our bodies, with all the gifts and challenges that the journey brought. I love that feeling of aliveness and wanted to bring it to my work. I wanted to work in a more embodied way with others who want to be embodied as well.
In January of 2020, I launched Soul in Motion, facilitating sessions in person (during our short window before the world shut down), then online. Since that time, I've slowly invited this work into my professional life....now providing weekly gatherings for those who just want to move/dance connect, workshops for those who'd like to jump in with a little more depth, and Movement as Therapy for those who'd really like to move with all that is moving in them, held by a supportive group.
I continue to provide limited psychotherapy/consultation/supervision, but the majority of my work involves working with movement and community...at whatever level of depth a person would like to step into. I know we need each other to practice, to heal, to give and receive support...so expanding community support in an embodied way is a primary component of my work.
I am actively working to create a diverse environment at my events.
Scholarship funds are available (as well as donations toward scholarship) for those Black, Indigenous, People of Color, LBGQT+, gender fluid, differently abled, and those who are not economically advantaged.
Reach out to give or receive.
How and why I chose to create Soul in Motion
Copyright © 2024 Soul in Motion - All Rights Reserved.
Join us at Continuum Yoga Studio, 155 SW Century Drive in Bend Oregon
email: soulinmotionbend@gmail.com