Have you been intrigued by Soul in Motion, but reluctant to step in? Seems a bit scary, and you'd love a small group to start slow? A place to ease in to this practice?
Step into this circle to discover this embodied practice of tuning in, being with, and moving with what resides within you. Soul in Motion is a living, breathing, bodyfulness practice...inviting expression through movement, dance, and being witness to yourself and others. Sound a bit scary but intriguing? Don't worry....I'll be guiding our time together, supporting you to step down from the tower of your mind and into this fabulous vessel that you call home.
It's time! Have you felt at war with your body? Perhaps, this relationship that has been rife with conflict, judgement, and/or coercion? Have you been frustrated with getting older, losing your spark, perhaps even given up on finding peace with yourself? You're not alone, and there is another way (that doesn't actually involve changing anything).
Find some ease, joy, and compassion for yourself exactly as you are. You may even feel some glimmers of love return as I will guide you to fully Embody you while you connect with a supportive group of like-minded folks.
Feel more connected with, aware of, and grateful for all that lives within you....a wonderous place that has always accompanied you with an endless supply of gifts and love (I know you may be uncomfortable with those words....all the more evidence that you're exactly who I'm looking for!).
You are perfect fit for this group if you're looking to:
-- get out of your head and tune in to your body
-- have been intrigued about the other Soul in Motion gatherings but want to feel a bit more comfortable before stepping in that circle
-- be more present, connected to just this moment, without being lost in your to-do list or the worries about all that is going on in the world
-- accept your body exactly as it is....wrinkles, folds, lumps, bumps, rolls, and all
-- connect to the wisdom and intelligence of your own body...your dance partner for life
-- find more joy in moving, dancing, and connecting with others in a supportive community (even if this is a brand new idea to you!)
-- expand your mindfulness practice to include this form of living, breathing, moving meditation
-- pay more attention to the needs/longings of your heart and soul
-- decrease the amount of shame and judgement you carry regarding how your body looks and enjoy how it moves and feels once again
What you'll get:
-- more ease with you....more comfort, peace and compassion for your body and your relationship with her
-- more awareness of your senses (you can let me know about this one....but, my guess is you'll notice this in your days...)
-- connection with an embodied group of diverse folks
-- five 90 minute sessions with some practical tools to take into your weeks in between
-- deeper awareness of moving, dance, and meditation....and how to use these as tools in your life
-- my guess is you'll have fun. It'll feel nice to spend 90 minutes a week just focused on you....and you're heart and soul may thank you as well. Joy is a big part of healing....I'll be including plenty.
-- skills to help you feel more grounded and resilient in the world....always needed!
Sessions will be primarily experiential and will include: guided movement, dance, community discussion, and homework between our time together.
If you decide to step in, I'd love for you to commit to being on time and able to stay for the entire session for all five weeks...a way of honoring and holding a sacred spot for yourself and others.
This group is more body based than emotionally focused....if you're wanting to focus more on exploring emotional and relational patterns held within the body, check out my Tending groups.
No experience necessary (awkward dancers, first time groovers, and those with no rhythm.....you will be fully embraced!!)
We'll be meeting at Continuum Yoga Studio, 155 SW Century Drive, Suite 112 in Bend
$175 for the series
Copyright © 2024 Soul in Motion - All Rights Reserved.
Join us at Continuum Yoga Studio, 155 SW Century Drive in Bend Oregon
email: soulinmotionbend@gmail.com